Saturday, November 16, 2013


May the wonderful bliss of the night be with all of you!
Oh, that sounds more like a goodbye than a hello. I guess I need to work on my poetry. Today basically consisted of talking about the poems we read for homework. I loved listening to everyone give their own impressions of what we read. It seems that the first two poems were about admiring a poem for how it sounds over dissecting its meaning. I think that's something schools should teach. Poems are a mode of expression--an art form! They don't always need to always allude to something; they can just be read and listened to.
I'm sure the poets don't expect readers to break down every line and examine every rhyme to try to understand the intended meaning. They just want us to enjoy what they have made and let it be!
My favorites were the first and last ones--they were the most pleasant to me. In class, we extended one of the poems by adding lines of what we thought were miracles. I didn't realize how deep my classmates were! When I heard some of the imagery, it was as if I was transported to another world!
Professor Patton says it would be good in include some of our own poetry, so I want to try:

Bathe in the power of presence
Let anxiety float as dandelion seeds into the open
Listen to lives and the workings of the mind
Jump into the brightness of others
Open the box to escape

Well, that was totally weird. I tried to put my thoughts into less direct words and that's what came out. It's a bit incomprehensible, I think. Oh well, think of it what you will!

Here are some videos a friend showed me on spoken word, which is like poetry spoken out, but is slightly different.
I think teachers will like this one. It's really wonderful :)

The next one, called "Knock Knock" is pleasantly empowering:

The last one is a bit longer--5 minutes and 26 seconds--but it's incredibly inspiring. If you're having a bad day, listen to this! Listen fully--with all your attention. Feel the rhythm and words. 

Good day!
Angie :D

Meh, poetry? It seems rather unnecessary to me. Why say things so obscurely? Just speak as clearly as possible, darn it! Why make people question what you mean?
I didn't feel particularly liberated when I didn't have to adhere to normal syntax and grammar. It was just chaos. We need order in our lives people! We have there rules for a reason! How can we communicate effectively if people just disregard the rules?
Letting everything go up for interpretation is just not efficient. I'll give you an example:

Stepping through the array of swirls
Brightness ceases to fade
The breeze chides irrelevant thoughts
With the mind banished,
Only present matters

Doesn't that make no sense? What is it describing? Everyone might have different interpretations and there will be no consensus! Chaos will erupt and life will not continue peacefully.

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