Monday, November 4, 2013

More about the Setting

Good evening friendly friends :)
So we learned a bit more about Iran and Islam today! There was some shocking material that was revealed! When this girl was trying to file some complaints about her husband, the man in charge said girls could get married as soon as they reached puberty, which may start at 9 years old! I was like 
Gross old men pretending to be 27.
What kind of madness is this? And the girl that was complaining was really a girl--she said she had a right to get an education because she was still a schoolgirl. I'm glad that she was fighting for her rights as a woman, but how could she get into such a horrible situation? She seemed to want guarantees from her husband, but when she asked what the legal age women could marry at, it was as if she felt she shouldn't be allowed to be married to that man. That man, by the way, said he was 27, but he looked pretty darn middle-aged to me! I bet nothing changed for her marriage even after going to the authorities. Seeing how corrupt the government was in Persepolis, it's unlikely that man she was talking to would have done anything. He didn't seem to care much, anyway. Why can't people be more caring?
Then we learned that women are considered 1/2 of men in Iran under the Islamic law. Now I'm sure the Koran doesn't say that! How can things be so misinterpreted?! Blood money for a woman is only 1/2 that of a man? Jeeze! I don't really see how you can buy a life using money, but that is besides the point! They cannot just say a woman is worth less than a man! They must be enlightened! Someone must show them the way!
I was happy to see some women demonstrating for equality, though! They were rallying and making speeches. It was a pleasant sight.
After that, we learned about some potential conspiracies about 9/11. It was really shocking. Could the U.S. really have planned it all and killed all those citizens? What would have been the benefit of that? I heard some people saying the U.S. would have benefited from going to war, but how is that possible? No one benefits from killing others! Why are people so blind?!
Well, I can only hope that it wasn't a conspiracy. That would make me lose a lot of faith in our nation. We're supposed to be the leaders in world peace! Actually, I'm sure it wasn't a conspiracy! I know we wouldn't kill our own people just to get into war! That is just ridiculous!
Enjoy life, my people!
Angie :)

Hah, what an interesting day. Some of these Iranian laws are just crazy. They can marry off girls at 9 legally? Men can divorce women without a good cause or consent? Women are valued at half that of men? My, and I only learned about this today! That shows how uneducated Americans are. We only care about our country and our people, disregarding the rest of the world. If I hadn't taken this class and had a teacher who required us to research and teach the class, I'd be left in the dark. Maybe not for forever, but who knows when I'd learn about the specifics of Iranian rule.
Some are probably reassured by the women lobbying for equality, but they don't realize that those women are just arrested and killed. It's amazing what control of the army can do. And the soldiers are trained to have no mind of themselves. They're just brainwashed to do whatever they're told. 
I found the conspiracies for 9/11 quite interesting. I can see our government doing something like killing thousands of Americans to justify getting into a war. Only in a democracy would something like that be necessary. In a dictatorship, the government doesn't need the consent of the people to go ahead with attacking another country. Then again, in a dictatorship, the government kill their own people without needing consent of the people. There is rarely enough of the country that has the courage to revolt and make an impact. I wonder how much of the nation is needed to resist to actually cause something to happen. The government is nothing without the people--if it doesn't have anyone to control, it has no power at all! It's pretty ridiculous how dictatorships work, actually. How is it that one person can control a whole nation when the people don't even like him? His control of the military plays a large role in keeping things in order, but how did he even gain authority of that? Common sense just seems to disappear the more you think about it.
My annoyance with the unreasonableness of people.
I guess this will be a short post today.

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