Monday, November 18, 2013


My, people are so talented!
Kevin's backdrop
I couldn't believe how well my classmates acted! Kevin made the most beautiful backdrop for "The Man in a Case" and even memorized his lines! His outfit was really adorable, too. He set the bar extremely high, but he didn't make anyone look bad. Young Mi really embodied her part as Varinka, playing her with her usual sweetness. Her accent and appearance just made her character seem all the more kind. It was really entertaining watching the two dance, since it was only slightly awkward--in that cute way, though.
From "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" Movie
The scene with the galoshes and the bike was quite hilarious. When I read the play, the galoshes didn't seem that ridiculous, but when it was acted out, every time Byelinkov's galoshes were mentioned, I had to stifle my laughter. I didn't realize how uptight galoshes made people seem! Megan was amazing at acting, but I expected that since she seems like the type to enjoy theater. She only had to glance at her lines to know what to say and made her actions very convincing.
Skeptical Miguel
I enjoyed Allyson as WOMAN in "The Sound of a Voice" since she seemed very motherly. As she played her part, she made it clear she was a mom because her voice was so caring and knowledgeable. Miguel, of course, played his part with drama. With the lines so short, I expected it to be difficult to add a lot of emotion, but he found a way around it. He did make the MAN seem more skeptical than I pictured him to be when I read the play. Miguel used facial expressions and intonations to portray suspicion of the WOMAN's sanity, since the WOMAN did say some creeper-like comments.
I found Tim's portrayal of the MAN extremely hilarious. His voice is just so calm and monotonous. I could tell that he was trying to add emotion, but the way his words come out reminds me slightly of Squidward from Spongebob. That isn't a bad thing, though! It's unique!
The stomach scene was a lot more funny when Austin acted it out compared to when I read it. I guess the awkwardness needs to be seen to get the full impact of everything.
I found Josh Yeon's interpretation of the MAN particularly interesting. He made the MAN seem incredibly gentle, while everyone else acted the MAN out with more masculinity. I think Josh Yeon's acting did a really good job of showing the MAN's transition to a more feminine phase, though. He seemed to understand the complexities of the play, with all the dynamics and everything.
I don't know how I did in my part, but I had fun at least! It's nice to show the class what I thought the WOMAN was like :)
Well, goodnight everyone!
Angie :)

Dramatic head turns

The plays weren't actually that bad today. I was surprised at how much effort everyone put into their parts. Some had their lines memorized pretty well; I expected people to be unprepared and just reading off their scripts. Well, I guess that's the good thing about having low expectations--you won't be let down as often. It was interesting to see all the different interpretations of the plays, with each scene having different portrayals of the characters. Having people read off the papers kind of took away from the plays, though, since they weren't making eye contact or clear facial expressions. Then again, this is an English class, not a drama one. Still, they did a good job of being dramatic. 
Every scene was pretty entertaining, and even though some people got more into their parts than others, everyone impressed me. I didn't expect some of my classmates to not be afraid of acting silly, although, these couple of plays were relatively serious.
Well, I guess I'll just keep this post short.

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